Updating problems
I have 2 old (5 year) RF60 flashes an 1 brand new. When I tried to update them to work with V6II and HSS I just got "No device connected". I then reinstalled the Cactus Firmware Updater and tried again but with the same problem. I also got a 404-message that the file did not exist. My V6II was easily updated though.
The real problem occurred afterwards, both my old flashes were dead! The new one seems to work but it is not updated. Has firmware 124 as default.
What should I do? Evidently I cannot update them and the 2 old ones need some service, I guess.
If it is a Mac, you need at least Firmware Updater V.1.03.
I'd just download the latest version of the Updater in any case.
If it is a PC, which Windows version are you using?
Versions later than 7 require a bit of a
driver installation dance to correctly install the RF60 driver.
At least that has been the case, not sure if anything changed in that regard.
I wonder why two flashes have died considering they weren't even detected. Are you removing the batteries before connecting the USB cable to the computer?
How "dead" are they?
Perhaps they can be resurrected once you have the Updater driver installed properly?
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