Two Cameras, one flash

My main reason for purchasing the V6 was to have two bodies (each set to TX mode) controlling one flash (RX mode). The purpose is for two portrait photographers sharing a single off-camera flash. After seeing a mention of only having one device in TX mode in the manual troubleshooting, I'm wondering now if this is going to work. 


  • Hi @jab2980 thanks for your message.  Please understand the V6 was never designed to be used this way - two commanders running at the same time controlling the same flash(es).

    If the receiver unit receives two signal at the same moment it will go ballistics and no longer receiver commands properly. That said, if each photographer adjust power / release shutter at different time periods it would still work

    Keep in mind that every turn of the Adjustment Dial and sends new commands out instantly. The same goes to when a unit switches to TX mode.  So one way to avoid accidentally knocking the Adjustment Wheel and changing the power settings is to enable DIAL LOCK function. Plus maybe having verbal confirming with your photographer teammate when you are able to adjust power also helps keeping the receiver unit sane.

    Hope this helps!
    Antonio Lao
    Brand Manager

    To help us better help you, always state the exact firmware version installed on your Cactus device(s), such as: "1.1.013", "NIK.A.001", "v.103", or "A06".

    TTL or HSS not working on Cactus V6 II and V6 IIs? Be sure to check hot shoe connectivity by doing the <CAMERA INFO> check.

    Feel free to suggest an improvement or share product ideas. Contact us directly at  At Cactus, we listen. 
  • Ah! So it will work for both cameras triggering the flash nearly simultaneously, but any adjustments will have to come from just one of the V6's. This is good news, thank you!
  • The second V6 Transmitter can also make adjustments but just don't have both do them at the same moment. So by enabling DIAL LOCK on both V6 units should prevent this from so easily happened.

    If the second photographer do not need to make any adjustments then he/she could actually use a Cactus V5. It will trigger all groups at the same time.
    Antonio Lao
    Brand Manager

    To help us better help you, always state the exact firmware version installed on your Cactus device(s), such as: "1.1.013", "NIK.A.001", "v.103", or "A06".

    TTL or HSS not working on Cactus V6 II and V6 IIs? Be sure to check hot shoe connectivity by doing the <CAMERA INFO> check.

    Feel free to suggest an improvement or share product ideas. Contact us directly at  At Cactus, we listen. 
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