connection V6II with RF 60 without camera
in V6 IIs FAQ
when I want measure the flah-light with my seconic, I've V6II S in my hand for a test shot but RF 60 always give the full blow 1, even when the V6II is on 1/128 and the RF 60 says this as well. Only when V6II S is connected with my Sony and make a picture the RF 60 gives 1/128 in real light. So how can I get communicate the RF 60 with the V6II S proper, if this item is uncoupled from the camera?
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Shall I go back to firmware 001 because this morning it was working on 001?
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Have you tried using a different radio channel?
For instance, set both V6II and RF60X to radio channel 12 and see whether that helps.
You may also want to check whether you changed the "RADIO ID" on any of the devices. All devices need to use the same value for this setting.
For further troubleshooting you may want to set one of the RF60X to "Master" mode and see whether you can fire the other RF60X (need to be in "Slave" mode) with it.
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