RF60 Repairs?

I've been using two Cactus RF60s and a V6 for over three years now, working almost entirely underground in caves and disused mines, and so far have been extremely satisfied with the performance of the equipment, given the arduous conditions often encountered. However last week one of my RF60s refused to respond to any signals from the V6 on a test, despite working fine manually - it also still fired from the camera hot shoe with no issues. The other RF60 can be controlled fine from the V6, so I'm confident the trigger is OK. After inspecting the flashgun more closely I realised I could hear 'something' rattling around inside the case, and I suspect this may be related to the signal transmission failure. Would it be worth sending the flashgun back to Cactus if it's likely that it can be repaired?

Many thanks in advance


  • Please send email to info@cactus-image.com for repair issue.

    Thank you.
    Ray Chan

    Senior Product Specialist
    Harvest One Limited
  • Thanks - I've sent an email.
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