Fresnel Cracking


Seems that one of my RF60 has started to develop a crack in the corner, and it's for sure going to pop a corner of the lens sometime soon. I've only had the unit for about 9 months and that seems highly unusual.

My flashes are kept in pelican cases with padding and are cared for only by me. I've never dropped them.

This kind of stinks, because I had a similar problem with a IIs transmitter that failed with regular use. Don't get me wrong, I'm satisfied with the purchase and the system, I just didn't think something like this would happen so soon. I'm probably going to request warranty support since it's under a year. Anyone else with this problem? 

I would have no problem taking it apart and putting a new lens in. Does Cactus send parts to end users?



  • Hi Oz,
    ... Does Cactus send parts to end users?

    Yes we do. PM me your address, email and phone number and we will get this sorted.

    Thank you!
    Antonio Lao
    Brand Manager

    To help us better help you, always state the exact firmware version installed on your Cactus device(s), such as: "1.1.013", "NIK.A.001", "v.103", or "A06".

    TTL or HSS not working on Cactus V6 II and V6 IIs? Be sure to check hot shoe connectivity by doing the <CAMERA INFO> check.

    Feel free to suggest an improvement or share product ideas. Contact us directly at  At Cactus, we listen. 
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