Power Sync mode adjustment with V6II in TX and RF60X in RX (also others flashes with V6II in RX)

I have two topics regarding Power Sync function:
The first topis is setup power level in Power Sync mode:
It fire flash always full power 1/1 regardless setup power level. Is It the correct function? Is there any reason for that? I know that full power 1/1 has longest flash duration which is needed, but I have experimented also with V6(not II version) and was able to fire also 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 and still be able to catch flash with time around 1/640. I think power adjustment should be allowed and it is up to me and my knowledge (knowledge of flash time duration) how I use it.

The second topic is about sinc time adjustment (I use panasonic GH3 body):
So If I setup times up to 1/640 everythink is just fine (flash is fired always full power), full picture is illuminated.
When time is shorted than 1/640, up to 1/4000 the picture has dark band on the top of the picture. Sinc time adjustment setup on 0 (on the left of the bar). (1/640 just a little bit on the top, 1/4000 already one third of the top picture is black). According your manual I should turn the dial to the right to achieve better results, but the situation is even worst (corection setup to 15 (middle position) time 1/4000 and picture is almost completely black). So I assume that manual is written opposite way, but most importantly I can not setup my shutter beyond 1/640 (because I can not set up less Sinc time adjustment than 0)
My question is: Did I miss something? Is Sinc time 0 the minumum time delay, what HW is capable? I suppose I need it a little bit faster to achieve time beyond 1/640 and full illumination of pictures.
Best Regards,


  • Hello Tomáš,
    ...It fire flash always full power 1/1 regardless setup power level. Is It the correct function? Is there any reason for that? I know that full power 1/1 has longest flash duration which is needed, but I have experimented also with V6(not II version) and was able to fire also 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 and still be able to catch flash with time around 1/640. I think power adjustment should be allowed and it is up to me and my knowledge (knowledge of flash time duration) how I use it.

    That is essentially what Power Sync does.

    Use this only when you need that extra oomph in power.  If you find yourself always wanting to use this, it probably means you really need a higher power flash.

     .. can not setup my shutter beyond 1/640 (because I can not set up less Sinc time adjustment than 0)
    The second topic is about sinc time adjustment (I use panasonic GH3 body) ... My question is: Did I miss something? Is Sinc time 0 the minumum time delay, what HW is capable? I suppose I need it a little bit faster to achieve time beyond 1/640 and full illumination of pictures.
    About the GH3, we do not have one to test so we cannot verify for you immediately. But from your description, there is a chance that the zero timing has already maxed out on the V6 II, meaning no further adjustments can be made to properly sync above 1/640s.

    Thank you.

    Antonio Lao
    Brand Manager

    To help us better help you, always state the exact firmware version installed on your Cactus device(s), such as: "1.1.013", "NIK.A.001", "v.103", or "A06".

    TTL or HSS not working on Cactus V6 II and V6 IIs? Be sure to check hot shoe connectivity by doing the <CAMERA INFO> check.

    Feel free to suggest an improvement or share product ideas. Contact us directly at info@cactus-image.com.  At Cactus, we listen. 
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