where can I download an up-to-dated user manual including new features from recent firmware updates?
The latest user manual can be downloaded from Cactus website,
under the DOWNLOADS tab. However most of the updated and new functions, such as shortcuts, may not be reflected in the latest version of the user manual. Please refer to the Firmware Updates Release Notes for the changes made:
We envisage the Release Notes to act as an appendix to the user manual as changes and improvements will be made as an on-going process.
Thank you!
under the DOWNLOADS tab. However most of the updated and new functions, such as shortcuts, may not be reflected in the latest version of the user manual. Please refer to the Firmware Updates Release Notes for the changes made:
We envisage the Release Notes to act as an appendix to the user manual as changes and improvements will be made as an on-going process.
Thank you!
The current firmware updater is available on PC platform. At the same time, we received numbers of request about the firmware updater for Mac platform. Hence, we will investigate the possibility of the Mac version in the future.
Not ideal, but it works (with at least two Windows emulators). Not sure whether they are free or have an evaluation period. Perhaps a Mac expert can advise.