V6 learning Olympus FL40

Hi, I would like to try some off camera photography with one Olympus FL 50r and x2 older FL40 units, now I have read and seen a few artcals on the "learning" feature of the V6 I'm not sure if it's possible to "learn" Olympus units,
Any advise would be appreciated.


  • Hi Dave,

    We don't have one to test. But you can run through the Flash Learning process try it for yourself. Make sure you have brand new / freshly charged batteries in the flash before starting.

    Let us know if you need further assistance.

    Thank you.
    Antonio Lao
    Brand Manager

    To help us better help you, always state the exact firmware version installed on your Cactus device(s), such as: "1.1.013", "NIK.A.001", "v.103", or "A06".

    TTL or HSS not working on Cactus V6 II and V6 IIs? Be sure to check hot shoe connectivity by doing the <CAMERA INFO> check.

    Feel free to suggest an improvement or share product ideas. Contact us directly at info@cactus-image.com.  At Cactus, we listen. 
  • Hi Antonio,
    Thanks for reply, but when in the "learning" mode, the only options are for Cannon,Pentax and Nikon ????
  • You're right!  I got it mixed up/

    Olympus flashes cannot be learned. Apologies for the confusion.

    You can try applying another Olympus flash profile and see if it works. If it does not then it means the FL-40 cannot be supported.

    From my understanding the FL-40 is not supported on a few Olympus cameras? So it seems Olympus has dropped the support of this flash...
    Antonio Lao
    Brand Manager

    To help us better help you, always state the exact firmware version installed on your Cactus device(s), such as: "1.1.013", "NIK.A.001", "v.103", or "A06".

    TTL or HSS not working on Cactus V6 II and V6 IIs? Be sure to check hot shoe connectivity by doing the <CAMERA INFO> check.

    Feel free to suggest an improvement or share product ideas. Contact us directly at info@cactus-image.com.  At Cactus, we listen. 
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